Getting married for a second time always brings problems, not only for the couple but for the families involved.
So, how can you make your second wedding day your last wedding day$%:
Depending on the circumstance, and everyone is different, there are many good reasons why a failed marriage took place the first time. If both partners have been married before, this will naturally put pressure on the couple in question as neither partner wants to experience the same problems again. It is vital before the wedding takes place that the couple are honest and open about why their first marriage did not work out. By addressing the issues and sharing these with your new partner it will minimise the chances of the same problems happening again.
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On the day, you need to remember that those who are in attendance at your wedding may well have been there the first time around. You need to show them that this time will be different and the best way of doing that is to do everything completely differently. This means that the entire theme of the wedding must be a complete contrast from the first one. Ensure your dress is totally different, choose an alternative location [e.g. consider marrying abroad], change your bridal party - everything must be different right down to the flowers and even the favours. By changing everything, none of your guests will be recalling your first marriage; instead they will be supporting you and wishing you every happiness in your new marriage.
Next you must think about any children who are involved. These children may have been from a previous marriage and will naturally find the wedding a difficult day. Even if you are on of those lucky couples who have children who are happy with their new living situation, you need to make their day special and memorable for all the right reasons. If children can be made part of the bridal party or have some involvement in the ceremony, this always goes down well. Depending on their age, you may ask them to take responsibility for one area of the wedding plans. To ensure there are no outbursts or problems on the day, encourage a frank family discussion before the wedding. Invite them to share their feelings in a safe environment where they feel free to say "I feel jealous about...." "What I am looking forward to is..." "I am worried about.." This way, everyone knows where they stand and children don't feel they have to suppress their feelings for fear of upsetting others.
By making the day completely different from previous weddings and by including every family member in an honest way, your day can be just as perfect as you imagined it to be.
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